Tuesday, December 21, 2004

more on the singularity

Google search

Quick definition


Singularity Watch online magazine

Singularity blog

Vernor Vinge's 1993 paper

Staring into the singularity write-up

scalar systems and tesla

Tesla's name comes up a lot, but then that leads to alien technology, which is a black hole of unsupported claims.

Scalar Systems


Survive 2012

Survive 2012 News

Survive 2012 blogspot

pole shift


the singularity

Patrick Salsbury has a theory.

"Some mathematicians plotted the asymptotic graphs of all of humanity's technological developments and projected them out to the point where they all, relatively simultaneously, hit infinity. The day that they arrived at is December 21st, 2012."

"...if we take a look at some of the really species-changing events in our history, we see 3 really MAJOR developments that changed the entire course of human history. 1) The Agricultural Revolution. 2) The Industrial Revolution. 3) The Information Revolution."

"30,000 years ago, we learned how to farm. 350 years ago, we learned how to mass-produce machines. About 50 years ago, we learned how to build computers. As you can see, the _rate_ of change is increasing, as is the ability afforded by the change."

"According to the mathematical model, we should see approximately *61* more of these species-changing developments before 12/21/2012! All of the same magnitude as the three noted above! Again, it's only a model, but they predict 18 of those changes on the last day, and 13 of _those_ to happen in the last FRACTION OF A SECOND, as things accelerate towards that infinity point."

preparing for the future

In the winter solstice of 2012, 8 years from now, something will happen that will change the course of history. We will enter into a new long count, according to the Mayan calendar, which was synchronized with the Galactic Alignment that will occur in this date. This blog is a collection of links and notes as to what that change may be.